Ok, so today was the day...I finally signed up for the Mini Marathon in May. I have to be honest, I was a little nervous/nauseous after I hit the submit button. It started to feel a little more real. This is by far the farthest I have EVER ran, even when I was in peak form, which makes it even more nerve wracking. On that note though, it's an exciting step towards a healthier me...thanks largely to my friend, Jessica. Without her encouragement to participate in the mini with her, the thought would have never even crossed my mind. Haha...of course now that it has, my mind is filled with all sorts of other thoughts too. For instance, how the hell am I going to run a mini marathon?!
Now most people when they think of running the mini, they have already conquered their fair share of 5k & 10k races. Not this girl! Granted, I have participated in several 5k's, but none that I have fully ran. So let's just say for the mini...I am basically starting from scratch. I think over the next 6 months it will be an exciting journey...a grueling one, but exciting nonetheless. This, I guess, is what brings me to the whole purpose of my blog. I need the motivation and I need a place to outlet when I start to struggle. And I am certain there will be struggles!! My hope is that by the end I will be a stronger, happier and healthier person who can say that I have accomplished a seemingly impossible task. For now, only time will tell...
You are an amazing woman and I am soooo proud of you for conquering this beast with me. You're right, it's going to be difficult but we are going to be so thankful to look back and say hey... we did that! I can't wait to share in this quest with you. Stay strong and don't poop your pants :)